
When artistic ambition and a grinding entrepreneurial mission fight to be in the spotlight on the plate of a poet who drives more than most, from California to the East Coast, it’s because he strives to listen to his inner intuition and hungry lion-like instinct, his determination and the vision necessary to bring ideas to their full fruition.  That’s why his website needs a tab called “The Future” because fifteen people he loved, then grieved, always let him know how much they believed he would one day achieve something much higher.  Fortuitously, he finally received the revelation to understand that the sure fire formula for failure is to NOT capitalize on golden opportunities already in his hand.   Each one of those family members and close frineds died, but before doing so, they all tried to help him realize that if he continued to speak it, one day he eventually would organize every errant thought and creative idea in his head until each one becomes a reality and not just unattainable words he once whimsically said that sounded great at the time, but too much to actually actualize or be believable.  It took Hurricane Harvey to show him it is possible, genuine and absolutely achievable.  For 40 years he has planted positive seeds.  Investment capital is now all that he needs.  He sees projects and products in his future as already done because his faith tells him he is one with the source of his supply.  Funding from The Father is not dependant on a credit score more than it is on favor, effort and one’s willingness to TRY.  When we take one step, some say God makes two – especially when you know who you are in Him by acknowledging the universal I AM that is in you.  But back to the writer who loves to dream.  He is busy re-branding and re-building his team.  Remember, his first one, one by one, passed away.  It’s now just he and his wife, the one steady support who has been by his side for most of his life.  They were childhood sweethearts who are still together, as they are now turning gray.  Therefore, his  focus for the future is making the most of WRITE NOW.  Ask him when it will all get done.  (I’ll wait)  He will stare at you because he has no clue as to how…or when… or why in the world his plate is so full.  He just knows that finishing one task at a time makes each of his lofty goals manageable.  Whether it’s wishful thinking, a bold declaration or a faith-fueled decree, what matters most is enjoying the journey.   Stay tuned, keep in touch & we’ll see.
